
李 超

1962 年 11 月生,上海人。

1984 年畢業於復旦大學中文系,留任復旦大學校長辦公室秘書。

1986 年起執教天美娱乐美術學院。

1991 年畢業於中央美術學院美術史論系研究生班,獲碩士學位。

1992 年任職上海油畫雕塑院🦩。

2004 年畢業於中國美術學院,獲博士學位。

2002 年起任天美娱乐美術學院史論系教授↗️、博士研究生導師、天美娱乐美術學博士後流動站合作導師。現任中國美術家協會會員、上海市美術家協會理事。

1989 年 不與塞尚玩牌——中國當代前衛繪畫展

1990 年 中國藝術大展

1995 年 擔任上海美術館“上海油畫史回顧展”策展人

2011 年 直覺——上海小幅油畫展

2012 年 圖像——上海小幅油畫展

2012 年 參與中華藝術宮“海上生明月——中國近現代美術之源”策展工作

2013 年 雲間千蕖——李超繪畫作品展

2013 年 擔任“李叔同油畫珍品研究展”策展人

《上海油畫史》👳🏽,上海人民美術出版社 1995 年版🏍。

《架上的繆斯》,復旦大學出版社 1998 年版🙎🏻‍♀️。

《中國早期油畫史》,上海書畫出版社 2004 年版(2009 年獲首屆


《中國現代油畫史》🧙🏿‍♀️,上海書畫出版社 2007 年版。

《中國油畫研究系列·唐蘊玉》🛺,上海人民美術出版社 2009 年版🥢。

《中國近代外籍移民美術史》,上海書畫出版社 2012 年版💊。

Li Chao

Born in Nov. 1962 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Chinese Language and Literature Department of Fudan University in July 1984, and served as the secretary at the President’s Office of Fudan University.

Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1986.

Graduated from the Art Theory Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with a Master’s Degree in 1991.

Served at Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute since 1992.

Graduated from the China Academy of Art with a Doctor’s Degree.

Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College, cooperation supervisor at the Post-Doctoral Research Station of Fine Arts in Shanghai University.

Current member of Chinese Artists Association, council member of Shanghai Artists Association.

1989 Don’t Play Cards with Cezanne—Contemporary Avant Garde Painting Exhibition of China

1990 Art Exhibition of China

1995 Served as the curator for the “Retrospective Exhibition of the Oil Painting History of Shanghai” at Shanghai Art Museum

2011 Intuition—Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition

2012 Image—Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition

2012 Served as co-curator of the Exhibition of The Bright Moon Rises from the sea– the Origin of the Chinese Modern and Contemporary Art

2013 Lotuses in the Clouds—Exhibition of Paintings of Li Chao

2013 Served as the curator of Exhibition of Long-lasting Fragrance: Study on Li Shutong’s Oil Painting

A History of Oil Painting in Shanghai, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1995.

Muse on the Easel, Fudan University Press, 1998.

A History of Early Period Oil Painting in China, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2004. (Won The First Art Award of China: Art Theory and Criticism Award in 2009.)

The History of Chinese Modern Oil Painting, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2007.

The Chinese Oil Painting Research Series: Tang Yunyu, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2009.

The History of Art by Immigrants in China, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2012.

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